Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10, 2011 Edition of the Stateside Report



Worldly Trader said...

I just wanted to share a short article on Stockhouse that covers the mergers in the mining sector. I have put the first few paragraphs of the article down below and full article is at

"Early innings of a massive mining industry consolidation

We're in the early innings of a massive mining industry consolidation.

In the first three quarters of 2011, we've seen $132 billion in mining mergers and acquisitions. That's almost a 70% increase over the $79 billion we saw during the same period last year.

Gold miners amount to a small slice of that, with just $12.5 billion in deals so far this year. But gold stock shareholders are seeing massive, overnight gains. And there's more to come...

Back in September, I showed you how hard it's become for the big gold miners to find new deposits of "easy ounces." That means they're digging in technically difficult – or politically complicated – areas, pushing up costs... "

duncanmcl said...

Vince: Really liked your Excalipur report...find it interesting you own no stock....and they expect to pay a dividend in 2012....I'm in and watch closly for your Dec visit report. Your web page is toooooooooooo might consider a 2nd page devoted to your reports. Thanks again for your sharing of your analysis!

stateside said...

Hi Thanks for the comments. On the mergers, I've been amazed that it has taken this long for the mergers to start. I also expect China to start making plays for the juniors with 1-2 million gold ounces in the ground that have been thrown away with everything else. They like to buy low and you can't get much lower than now.

On XBR, glad you liked the report. On owning shares, I will make some purchases over the next month or so. I've actually been criticized in the past for owning shares of companies I write about and the inherent conflict of interest. It's a delicate balance and there are arguments for both sides. I try and be as honest as I can because this industry sometimes has bad apples that you need to watch out for.

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