Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 2, 2011 Edition of the Stateside Report



Worldly Trader said...

There Canadian Press has put out a short online on the labor shortage in key growth industries in Canada. Here two interesting quotes from article:

"A third-quarter report by PwC says a flurry of activity in the Canadian mining, energy and aerospace industries is creating demand — but employers say there's a lack of skilled workers."

"This is an opportunity for Canadians looking for skilled employment to boost their incomes, but they may have to be willing to be retrained and relocate, as many of these job opportunities are not in the big cities."

The full article is here:

Worldly Trader said...

Here is the top question of the day, is the Western finished financially? Have the top economies of the Western world run out of ideas, and is the world's wealth and power shifting towards Asia?

I don't know, but I do think the financial problems we are seeing in the U.S., Canada, and the E.U. indicate that the top economies of the 21st Century will be in Asia.

David Murrin, CIO of Emergent Asset Managment declares the Western World is "finished financially" is this interview for CNBC. It is at this link:

Worldly Trader said...

The David Murrin interview on CNBC is here:

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